Here's how to book:
Depending on if you want a stop in Reykjavik, these prices are either available from Syscanner or direct from the airline.
Google flights can show dates that are available close to the listed prices above. They do not however show a close price with a stop in Reykjavik
So using the Google flights dates go direct to the airlines website and request an Icelandair stopover checkbox
Here is an example of Icelandair stopover itinerary to Orlando
To help you find your preferred dates to stop we have listed the schedule from Reykjavik to all the above destinations as most flights from the UK to Reykjavik are Daily.
KEF-YYZ - Daily YYZ-KEF - Daily
KEF-MCO-No flights on Wednesday's MCO_KEF-No flights on Thursday's
If you have checked our links and the flight prices are no longer showing, the chances are that the deal has expired or the availability has gone.